
Suggestions For Pregnants Going On Holiday

For pregnant women, who become very sensitive due to hormonal changes and are constantly warned to “live stress-free”, vacation is a good escape from the stress of their daily lives or work. So, what should pregnant women who want to go on holiday pay attention to? Liv Hospital Gynecology and Obstetrics Specialist Op. Dr. Sibel Malkoç explained.

  • When traveling, pregnant women can travel by car or plane, provided that they are not immobile.
  • Those who complain of excessive nausea and vomiting in the first period of pregnancy (the first three months) can have a more comfortable holiday if they shift their holiday plans to after the third month of pregnancy.
  • Since blood clotting increases during pregnancy, especially those with advanced pregnancies should take breaks every two to three hours and move and relax their arms and legs.
  • During plane journeys exceeding five to six hours, they can walk for 10-15 minutes inside the plane every few hours.
  • During the journey, pregnant women should drink plenty of fluids and wear the seat belt from the bottom, not the top of the abdomen.
  • We do not recommend sunbathing for pregnant holidaymakers as it causes dehydration and increases spots on the face and belly. Pregnant women who want to sunbathe should apply a sunscreen of SPF 30 or higher several times a day, except between 12:00-15:00. When choosing sunscreen; One should choose those that are water resistant and do not contain vitamin A derivatives that are harmful to the baby, such as retinol.

Benefits of swimming for pregnant women

  • Provides psychological relief.
  • It makes the muscles stronger and the body more agile.
  • It prevents excessive weight gain during pregnancy.
  • It reduces sleep problems.
  • Since it is a sport that exercises the heart and lungs very well, it ensures that the mother and the baby receive more oxygen.
  • It prevents problems such as increased blood pressure during pregnancy.
  • It causes reduction in morning sickness in some pregnant women.
  • It reduces waist and back pain.
  • Reduces weakness and fatigue.

Things to pay attention to while swimming

  • The first choice for swimming should be the sea.
  • It should not be forgotten that the chemicals used in pool water (except for pools where disinfectant is used in excessive doses) may be harmful during pregnancy.
  • You should drink plenty of water.
  • You should not swim immediately after eating.
  • Swimming should be done calmly, slowly and with rest.
  • Swimming in very deep waters should not be done due to reasons such as cramps and emergency situations.
  • Maternity swimsuits that do not tighten the body should be preferred.
  • Non-slip slippers should be preferred.
  • Care should be taken not to go into the sea alone.
  • You should definitely take a shower after swimming.
  • You should not sit in a wet swimsuit and should replace it with a spare swimsuit.

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Written by cagataydemircan

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